Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Last Question

Well, actually it's Asimov's last question. This compelling short story was by far his favorite. I'd been meaning to share this for a while, and never got around to it. Well, better late than never. The ending is especially thought-provoking, and actually, in a weird sort of way, fits with some of the leading theories about how the universe started.

So without further stalling for time: The Last Question


Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I'm not a big Asimov fan, but I enjoyed that (esp. the ending).


Anonymous said...

We read that story at HRSFA Milk & Cookies a couple of weeks ago, though I had read it a long time ago, back when I read all of Asimov's science fiction. So to hear it again was cool. I like the story a lot.

Anonymous said...

Also, I've noticed that you've been getting a bunch of spam comments recently. You might want to consider turning on the thing that makes you enter the letters to prove you're a human (though it can be annoying). It's served me pretty well on my blog.

PiFry said...

It's a great story. As for the spam, thanks for the suggestion. If it gets any worse I'll put that in. Right now my blog isn't popular enough to attract all that many people who don't know me, and I don't want to make it any harder for readers to share their thoughts.