Thursday, November 20, 2008

My Problem with Menus

You know what really grinds my gears? When a menu lists many, but not all, of the ingredients of an item. It's one thing to say "Turkey sandwich." Then you know to ask.

But some places they don't give you relevant information, while pretending to. Even at my beloved Quizno's, which for some reason fails to mention they put MAYO on a cheesesteak. Epic fail. Or when the Harrisburg Hilton lists the type of cheese, the type of bacon, even the type of roll they serve a grilled chicken sandwich on, but doesn't mention they serve mayo, which I hate. It's one thing to not mention the lettuce; I can take that off. But mayo? Come on, people. A little notice would be nice. Especially late at night.


Anonymous said...

That's me with Russian Dressing.


Andrew said...

I'm going to rant back at you. If you have a particular aversion to something which is commonly included in certain foods (say, mayonnaise on a sandwich or wrap), it is your responsibility to question it's inclusion. Sandwiches, especially ones made with meat, often-nay-usually have mayonnaise. If you don't like it, make sure of it before you order or be OK with what they bring. Think of it as an allergy. Someone who can't have peanuts will clarify that point if they think there is even a remote chance that they might be included in the food they are ordering. It's not worth the risk.

Andrew said...

I don't think I ever made my point there, which is:

If it's REALLY important to you, it's your responsibility to ask no matter what.

PiFry said...

Under normal circumstances I'd agree with you, but it's not typical to leave only a single ingredient off the list. Either the menu lists the highlights, or everything.

It was further confounding that sauces were listed on other items; mayo was the only one missing.

Finally, plenty of people don't like enough things that frequent and complete screening is incredibly inefficient, a huge loss to society compared to the inefficiencies created by making menus more clear.

Beth said...

Mayo is disgusting, totally agree with you there. I think the only sandwich where mayo can be assumed is turkey.

But I don't agree with the phrase "beloved Quizno's." Gross gross gross.

PiFry said...

No matter how you feel about Quizno's or the entire fast-food sub-shop phenomenon (yeah I went with it), you have to respect the geniuses who game up with the idea of making a chicken sandwich that comes with bacon, cheese, and bacon cheese sauce.

If a single person came up with that combination, which seems so obvious in retrospect, he deserves a Nobel Prize in Deliciousness.