Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A little speechless, though that may be the combination of relief and fatigue.

I have a good feeling about this.

I'm going to miss my little election command center. I should get into politics...further into politics than bad commentary at least.

What's striking to me about this moment is that it will be noted in history for the changes marked by and at this time, on this day. But we didn't vote for Obama for the changes that happened tonight, but for the changes that have been promised. Despite what candidates say, campaigns are about voters, about connecting, about fights over questions, wedge issues, and whom the electorate trusts and likes. But this one really was about ideas and ideals. We followed an inspirational leader, but tonight is not the triumph, but the victory which allows all future triumphs to come. Today we sent a message; tomorrow we go to work.

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