Monday, September 01, 2008

My Palin Family Laughter

I was tickled red, white and blue just now to learn that Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol is currently pregnant (the story broke in between my last post and this one). This is especially funny in light of the content of my last post (which is probably apocryphal).

Regardless, this blogger hopes that her situation is a result of abstinence-only education, a broken, demonstrably inefficacious, and generally abominable way of talking to teenagers about sex and its consequences...and also a philosophy inexplicably and deeply held by quite a few Republicans, some of whom try to enforce it on others.

Lilly pointed out to me that her current pregnancy greatly decreases the chance that Trig is her child, given that she'd need to have gotten pregnant almost immediately after delivering her first child.

The New York Times mentioned that the announcement was intended to counter rumors regarding a possible previous pregnancy. Could someone start a stopwatch on Bristol's current pregnancy to see if the stated time frame is accurate?

They also announced she's marrying the father. Poor kid. I suspect that's more the result of the election than anything else. Talk about a shotgun wedding. It's one thing to have your parents there with a metaphorical shotgun. It's quite another to know that Karl Rove might blame you for a Democratic victory and seek revenge if you don't marry the chump who knocked you up. Talk about scary.

OK, I'll have some more substantive stuff soon, really.

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