Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Conveyance of an Interesting Column

NYTimes columnist Maureen Dowd gave her column inches away to writer Aaron Sorkin (of A Few Good Men and Studio 60 fame) so he could write a hypothetical conversation in which Obama seeks advice from fictional former president Jed Bartlet from Sorkin's The West Wing (which he created, and whose first four seasons he wrote). It has a flare of Dowd in it too (he knows her well enough to adapt her style, perhaps to appeal to her regular readers?), so it doesn't quite have the drama and eloquence of a Sam Seaborn crafted speech, but it's still quite interesting. Especially the advice President Bartlet gives in rant form near the end.

Don't know if there are any West Wing fans in my readership other than First Tiger, but I found this pretty interesting. And I definitely like Sorkin better than Dowd.

Feel free to comment here.

PS - It may interest some readers to learn that Sorkin actually made fun of Dowd in an episode. Karen Cahill, a feared NYTimes columnist who takes shoes way too seriously, was a thinly veiled parody of Maureen.

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