Saturday, September 20, 2008

My Arkansas Question (also, something about the economy)

For anyone confused by some of the recent events that have been wreaking havoc with the economy and markets, I highly recommend reading this post, made by two University of Chicago economists on the NYTimes' Freakonomics blog. It covers events through September 17th or so, and is more accurate--and easier to understand--than at least 99% of the stuff being churned out by confused journalists.

Also, on politics, can anyone explain what's up with Arkansas to me? They've got a Democratic Governor, two Democratic Senators, 3 Democratic Representatives (out of 4 reps allotted to the state), and the Democrats have 75% (or better) control of both the State Senate and the State House of Representatives. And yet, McCain is probably going to win the state by 10 to 15 points. What gives? Do they hate their public officials? Did something change since the last round of elections? Are there a ton of racists in the state? What gives?

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