Saturday, September 06, 2008

The first minute and fifteen seconds of this Daily Show excerpt points out what my anonymous source was saying: Sarah Palin's experience really isn't all people are saying it is. It shows to Karl Rove interviews, one in which he talks up Sarah's experience (20 months governor and mayor of a city with 6700-9000 people depending on when you're counting), and another in which he bashes Tim Kaine's experience as governor for about 3 years, plus being mayor of a town of 200,000 (and says that if Obama had picked Kaine, it would have been a purely political choice, because someone with experience like that obviously isn't qualified to be president).

And the rest of the clip is just more funny side-by-side comparisons of conservative commentators praising Palin and bashing Democrats (with nearly identical actions precipitating both comments).

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