Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Hungry Children

No, this isn't some bleeding-heart liberal post. It's actually a reference to one of my favorite Jonathan Coulton songs, in which a super villain is singing a love song to his pretty lady love interest. It's hilarious and called "Skullcrusher Mountain," and contains a line "Hear them howling, my hungry children" which refers to the wolves that live on the mountain.

This is a roundabout way of me bringing up the subject of wolves, while making it look like I'm aware of music written after Pachelbel epitomized the baroque period.

Anyway, wolves. Lizmonster (and through her the NYTimes) have reported that the Bush Administration is ending it's federal protection of gray wolves in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. Let's play a little game called "Am I being paranoid and cynical?" in which my reads read the following, then post in the comments section just how paranoid and cynical they think I've become.

Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. I wonder how much of this decision had to do with the facts about wolves and how much of it had to do with the fact that we're in an election year and traditionally Republican ranchers really want to be able to start shooting wolves again willy nilly.

Not to be cynical (ok, fine, to be cynical), but McCain doesn't appeal to many in those states, and as long as he's sure to be running against someone favoring gun control, they might as well have ranchers, and ergo people who care about the local economy, cheering Republican. That way they might not have to spend a dime in what's been their own political backyard recently,
which helps them out when they're at a fundraising disadvantage and they don't have much recent experience playing while behind (in polls or money, much less both). I think there's some political motivation behind this move.

OK, your turn. Is there a snowball's chance in a global-warming created post-apocalyptic mutant society that there's anything to my idea, or do I need to stop watching primary coverage the West Wing and get back to my Star Trek roots so my ideas will at least be a little more down to Earth?

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

You know about Jonathan Coulton? Did I tell you saw him in concert in November, and that I'm going again in a few weeks?