Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Cheeseburger-Cake

This news headline goes out to Rick Blaine: "I Love You, but You Love Meat," brought to you by the paper of record. The pictures is of a couple in his situation: an omnivore man and his vegan wife. I feel like a kindred spirit, as the firm embrace of kosher rules lovingly, but ominously, looms on my dietary horizon.

The argument goes that shared meals are an integral part of courtship. Luckily for me it's not detrimental to my relationship. Think about it: either we go out (in which case we can eat different things); Cynara cooks (in which case it's all kosher anyway); or I try to cook (in which case we wind up going out and can eat different things). Furthermore, if she eats three times a day and I eat five times a day, I can have my cheeseburger-cake and eat it to.

[Editor's Addendum: Does anyone but me think one of the vegans quoted, Lisa Romano, is probably a horrible person based on her quotes? She found her boyfriend's fondness for grilling, despite his complete willingness to accommodate her diet, "unenlightened and disturbing" and wanted someone who is more "ethically on the same page." I'm kind of hoping those were taken WAY out of context.]


Anonymous said...

I don't know about Romano, but I have a lot of sympathy for Jones, and I think she might deserve more than the article gives her. It says she "can't" eat gluten, which suggests that she has a health problem with them. In that case, if someone is unwilling to give up eating bread, kissing them could pose a serious health hazard. Like my kiwi allergy -- I asked you to give it up, because if I kissed you after you ate it, I could experience anything from my mouth swelling and itching to an emergency room visit. So breaking up with someone because they won't quit eating bread could be a very good move healthwise.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that this is the 3rd NYT article on vegans in the past year? Crazy! As a meat eater who has have been dating a Vegan for the past 2 years, I can safely say that the majority of the people interviewed in that article are horrible people and/or not very considerate. The girl who said she doesn't date meat eaters because "they smell bad and have low energy" is clearly a moron. One, I feel the most energized and the best after I have eaten meat, pure protein, as opposed to how I feel after eating vegan food. Two, I reek of awesomeness. And as for the dude who could not give up eating bread in front of his girlfriend and thus had to leave her: you have no willpower. I mean it’s not like you’re giving up bacon. You only have to give up eating bread when you are around her. I have been dating Nutter for almost 2 years and she has never seen me eat meat. And yet I am still able to have at least 5 delicious meat filled meals a week. And as far as being allergic to gluten and that causing health problems, I have a great story for you. I am allergic to gluten. I couldn’t eat the stuff when I was little without throwing up afterward. So you know what I did. I kept eating bread, wheat and anything else I could get my hands on that had gluten in it and I ate through the pain for over 12 years until it didn’t hurt as bad. I conquered my allergy to gluten by eating it into submission. True story. While if I still eat a lot of it at once, as I do sometimes since many vegan dishes have lots of gluten such as setain, it still will hurt my stomach, but not nearly as bad as it used to. As for kissing, I have never kissed Nutter after eating meat without first brushing my teeth. And being in a relationship with someone means that sometimes you are going to have to make sacrifices for one another like PiFry giving up Kiwi for Cynara. That’s how you make a relationship last.

Anyway, for all of the sucky people in the article, it did provide for me my favorite quote of the year thus far.

“No-holds-barred carnivores, for example, may share the view of Anthony Bourdain, who wrote in his book “Kitchen Confidential” that “vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans ... are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit.”

One word: Awesome!