Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My Endorsement

I'm going to Rochester, NY for a few days--and I'll be pretty busy for a few days after that--so you can enjoy a brief respite from the droning I throw the way of my readers. I'll be back to my approximate once-to-thrice a week schedule after that.

Meanwhile, Happy New Years to everyone, especially all zero of you who responded to my last post (if you're bored in my absence, feel free to do that).

Finally, since I'll be gone for the Iowa Caucuses, I'd like to encourage any Iowans who may be reading to vote for John Edwards. While I don't know of any Iowans who have ever visited this blog, I'm hoping that if I use the word "Iowa" enough in this paragraph (along with words like "Presidential" and "Caucus"), that someone will find their way here. And to those undecided searchers, I say, vote for John Edwards. He has this blog's endorsement. A good health plan; a sympathy for working Americans; a realistic economic outlook; and an intelligent and intelligible leader. If you don't think I'm smart enough to be making recommendations to you, I invite you to read some of my previous posts on political topics. Also consider that I'm a Republican from Pennsylvania, so there's no party or local loyalty involved here.

I'd also like to recommend John Edwards to any of you undecideds from New Hampshire, or anywhere else in the 50 states.

I'm considering endorsing other things too (other politicians, products, services, courses of action, etc.). It's time I started wielding this blog like the tiny tiny hammer of influence that it is (you know, for the good of mankind). My first round of endorsements will probably be fairly obvious (John Edwards, Futurama, Costco, etc.), but we'll see how this evolves. If my readers would like some advice when making a choice, let me know and maybe you'll get an endorsement (if I have the time to research and think about your dilemma, and I feel confident enough to put the full weight of my considerable reputation behind my choice).

For the time being, though, in the words of Al Gore: "Peace out, y'all."

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