Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another blogger has assembled a list of the 15 greatest spaceships of all time. While I disagree with some of the choices, it's an interesting topic of discussion. What do you think the greatest spaceships are?

I think any ship with a holodeck and a food replicator should be bumped up a few notches. Honestly, if we're talking about my personal enjoyment, I'd rather have the Enterprise D than the Death Star (plus you can outrun the Death Star if any Death Star owner gets envious of your superior food and entertainment).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. There was an argument in a web comic my ex-gf reads about which was better, the Millennium Falcon or the Enterprise-D. Of course, it turned into a 'favorites' contest, and while you can't make too accurate comparisons between technologies of different (fictional) universes, I'd feel a lot better/safer in the Enterprise. The post can be found at (until it moves) under the 'sadsiren' post...

It seems like that list was put together at least partly based on 'coolness'
