Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Blog's Future

I'm considering making some big changes to this blog. The first would be cosmetic: I'd get my own domain. The second would be substantive. I'd refine my content and probably split the site into two separate blogs, a serious one and a non-serious one. The serious one would include interesting news updates, political commentary, and useful resources. I'd also probably expand into giving financial advice, since it seems to be in high demand these days. The second blog would be the funny stuff (the links, the quotes, the stories, and the rants).

It would allow me to control the content better, and I could put up other pages on the domain. I could also set up message boards, post files for download, and shamelessly self-promote. Plus I'd get my own e-mail address at my own domain. Awesome. But regardless of location, my wit charm will remain unaltered.

But a blog is useless if no one reads it, and since I only started blogging at the insistence of my eventual readers, I'll leave it to you. Should I try to make things bigger, better, stronger and faster? Or should I keep it as the quaint little diversion with which you're familiar and comfortable? Feel free to weigh in through any convenient medium (comment section, IM, e-mail, etc.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd say it's up to you. I split my blogs because of conflicts (I was talking about religion, so it's pretty understandable that would happen) and then further split my blog when I decided to make a knitting blog. But when I split them, each blog had a smaller audience. And since my spin-off blogs are updated less often, people check them less often.

So I would go for the new domain, but perhaps keep the blog unified.