Sunday, December 02, 2007

My Review of Bender's Big Score

At long last, Futurama has returned! In a feature-length straight-to-DVD movie (which will be chopped up and modified to make the first four episodes of the comeback season), the best TV shower ever has limboed out of retirement and into our hearts. Go to hell, Grey's Anatomy!

Bender's Big Score was to fans as a breath of fresh air is to a guy trying to set the world record for consecutive seconds spent underwater. Having already seen it thrice, I consider myself a competent, albeit biased, reviewer.

OK, so I tried writing a review and it was so ridiculously long I figured no one would read it. So I'm going to condense it to bullet points:
-Musical numbers were weak
-Subplot with Hermes was a little more involved than necessary
-Plot was complicated enough to deter new or unintelligent viewers (not a problem for yours truly)
-The time travel was very clever, and--as they claim--paradox free. There were a couple of inconsistencies with previous glances through time, though most are easily explained with a simple 5D Space-Time model and the assumption that the time code had the ability to jump through a 5D plane, not just along a 4D line
-The Chanukah Zombie, voiced by Mark Hamill, needs more screen time. Brilliant!
-Many of our favorite characters return
-The commentary, which ranges from very subtle to hit-you-over-the-head is relevant, insightful, and funny
-Most underrated line: "I can wire anything directly into anything! I'm the Professor!"
-Longtime fans will be quite pleased with all the things that get explained
-It's as touching as it is funny
-While not exactly like the original series, due to the different format (movie vs. episode) and fewer writers (1 main writer as opposed to a team of 6), it was enough like the original not to disappoint--and to make fans like me squeal with delight...metaphorically speaking of course.
-Fry's more like me than I thought, or maybe he's more like I want to be than I thought
-I can't wait for the next one


Sowmya said...

Well, I bet a Grey's anatomy feature length film (which they haven't made yet) would be just as good, if not better! :-P

PiFry said...

I'll take that bet.