Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My Fifteen Minutes (I'm a Dilbert!)

I'm a Dilbert!

That comic is about me. It won't be available online forever, so apologies to future readers who can't access it.

Now, when I say it's about me, I don't mean the same thing happened to me. I mean that something happened to me; I sent the story in to Scott Adams as an example of a new management trend in need of mocking; and now the story is a Dilbert strip. I've been anonymously immortalized as one of many Dilberts, and I'm really getting a kick out of it. I'm considering buying a framed print of the strip so I can have it hanging in my office (if and when I get one). "Oh that Dilbert strip? Yeah, that's me."

I decided not to tell my boss that he's a Pointy Haired Boss. I don't think he'd be as excited as I am.

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