Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Passover Diary

Day 1: The seder last night was delicious. Still have yet to decide whether or not I'm keeping Passover. As long as Mom's cooking, though, it's easy, so I might as well keep my options open. Matza brye is delicious. They should serve it at IHOP.

Day 2: The second seder was also delicious. Used Passover as excuse to have lunch with coworker I haven't seen in a while. Had to eat a salad, but it was worth it. Beginning to think I might keep it this year. The idea of keeping my streak alive, and ergo a smooth pattern intact, becomes surprisingly persuasive. Pondering the addition of "Overcome OCD" to my "To Do" List.

Day 3: Jewish guilt setting in. Decided to keep at least one version of Passover (the regular kind, and/or my "no-chocolate" kind--replacing the "bread of affliction" with a product actually grown by slaves). Still have consumed no chocolate or leavening. May wind up doing both; wouldn't that be hardcore.

Day 4: I can do this. I just don't want to. Wishing I had good reason not to, but in absence of rationale I consider legitimate, I eat some vegetable-laden Chinese food. Thanks, Grandpa, for the corn syrup in the cola, which is making this deceptively colorful pile of bland mediocrity remotely edible. Dinner consists of a jar of applesauce. Still no chocolate or leavening.

Day 5: Thanking the Lord yet again I'm technically Sephardic by Jewish Law. Rampant sexism has it's benefits. I think of my paternal grandfather appreciatively as I eat surprisingly edible sushi I bought in a train station. I also down another salad. Have now taken 3 leafy bullets this week for the J-Team. Still no chocolate or leavening.

Day 6: The Oreo Cakesters in the office vending machine mock me as I walk by. They call me names like "insane" and "crazy." I refuse to let their childish taunts make me question my sanity. I can hold out until tomorrow night; the wyvern told me so. Still the prettiest.

Day 7: Freedom! Sweet juicy freedom! The Red Sea of despair parts like the warm, welcoming mouth of my pizza box, that wonderful cardboard crucible containing my post-holiday redemption. Barbecue Chicken Redemption is particularly delicious. As I celebrate with DeluxX, Sheba, Chuck and his new girlfriend, Lucy (who brought me a cannoli!), I have renewed appreciation for liberty, for freedom, for those who have neither, and for the myriad leavening agents that I consider true and valued friends.

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