Wednesday, April 09, 2008

My New Prayer

So I was at my cousin's Bat Mitzvah this weekend, and we learned a new prayer (Modeh Ani). At first I thought it was annoying and sing-songy, but then I realized it was only annoying because the cantor was treating us like idiots and doing it super-slowly and word-by-word. When I sped it up in my head, it was slightly less annoying, just as sing-songy, and "It's A Small World After All" level of addictive.

And maybe the cantor was onto something after all, because I actually remember 4 out of 5 of the lines (I've just sort of been humming over the middle one).

Basically the prayer is a child-like poetic way of saying "Hey, G-d, you know how I didn't die in my sleep last night? Thanks for that, BTW." I don't think I'm going to get any gratitude points with the Big Guy, but at least it's not blasphemous or really inappropriate. The last line's melody is especially addictive.

Anyway, it's in my head and I've been singing it every morning in the shower. And on the way to work. And humming it at random times throughout the day. Apparently you're supposed to sing it every morning while still in bed, but I'm just not that coherent (not to mention melodic, awake, or able to access any memory engrams). Starting in the shower is perfect. Also, the water (A) makes me sound better and (B) drowns it out for my roommate.

Further bulletins on my humdrum activities as events warrant. Now I'm off to sing inappropriately on my way to work.


Anonymous said...

sing away roommate, sing to your hearts content. if it's REALLY loud I'll just turn up sportscenter.

Unknown said...

i did always think the melody for that prayer got stuck. there are multiple melodies (of course), but i only really remember the annoying one. :)