Monday, March 26, 2007

My Filler

I haven't posted in a while, so apologies to my avid readers (yeah yeah, both of you). I've doing research in my hiatus from blogging.

The first kind of research was for my math modeling applications in finance class. To complete my investigation, I built an Excel model so complicated that takes 26 seconds just to calculate the cell values (no macros--I had to turn automatic calculations off). Anyway, now I'm done with that--no more graded work for the class. Huzzah!

The second kind of research that kept me from blogging was research on my next blog topic. Stay tuned for an interesting bit of science journalism in a future post.

And while we're on the subject of research, congratulations to Cynara on finishing her thesis! Two years of research culminated in an all-nighter followed by 6 hours of printing this past Thursday/Friday--the end product being a 120 page book on an esoteric niche of Ming dynasty cultural history. My contribution was staying up with her and providing entertainment in the form of movies and hilarious suggestions for chapter titles. I know my limitations.

Anyway, since I didn't have anything funny, here's another joke from my Finance professor, who is fast becoming a minor personal hero of mine, because really hates investment bankers:

Why do Scientists prefer to experiment on Investment Bankers instead of the usual white rats?
1) There are more investment bankers
2) No one ever gets attached to an investment banker
3) There are some things even white rats won't do

#2 is my favorite. Sorry, Dad.

[Editor's Addendum: I think #2 would be funnier as "The scientists kept getting attached to the white rats" - thoughts?]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are all of your entry titles supposed to look like scrubs episode titles?

Also, the real reason they started using the investment bankers for research is that as soon as the lab rats refused to participate in studies when they found out there were plenty of investment bankers not being used.