Friday, February 16, 2007

My Russian Education

This post is to flesh out the postscript in the previous post. I realized that some people might still have the wrong idea. For those who think they have to learn a lot about Russians, let me disabuse you of that notion and tell you everything you need to know about Russia right here in a convenient Top 10 list:
10- "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff" -Frank Zappa
9- It's easier to store dolls in other dolls.
8- Something about Dr. Strangelove. I never saw the movie, but my finance professor talked about it. Apparently it involves Russians.
7- Mutually assured destruction prevents destruction as long as everyone has a lot to lose.
6- Russian Submarines create drama. And a nuclear naval presence. But mainly drama.
5- The Volga river is somewhere in Russia. It once got me a point on an AP World History Geography quiz the first week of class my senior year of high school. It might do the same for you one day.
4- Commies.
3- Philip J. Fry's dad hates Commies.
2- Daffodil.
And the number one thing that everyone needs to know...
1- Never wage a land war in Russia during the winter.
(seriously...just don't)

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