Monday, February 05, 2007

My First Attempt at Linguistics

First, sorry for the drop-off in posts. I had major computer problems (now I'm on a new one), and then I wasn't very funny for a while. Anyway, a few humorous memories:

When told I'd enjoy linguistics:
"Too much language, not enough istics." And I mean it. I love istics.

And later, to emphasize the "istics":
DeluxX: Pretty soon we're gonna be taking the derivative of a sentence to give it new meaning...when does it end [PiFry], when?
Me: Not to give it NEW meaning...just to interpret the rate of change of the original meaning

And irrelevantly, from the New York Times:
"Last week in Beijing, a foreign ministry spokeswoman failed to respond directly to a debris question. Asked if the satellite’s remains would threaten other spacecraft, she asserted that China’s policy was to keep space free of weapons." [China recently blew up a satellite for fun]
(Does that count as journalism? It's certainly better than CNN's show where they read blogs out loud...)

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