Thursday, August 07, 2008

My Last 4 States

The following states have not visited my blog according to my records:

Louisiana, Iowa, North Dakota, and Wyoming (though I'm pretty sure I just forgot to write down Louisiana). I'm hoping by mentioning these states, an egomaniac from each one will visit my blog in hopes I'm complimenting their home. That way I can complete my scrapbook. Here goes:

Louisiana has good food I hear.

Iowa helps decide the next president, so good for you I suppose. (Though jebus, ethanol? Come on, give it up, you guys ensure that we're always going to get presidents who lie to us if you'll never vote for someone who doesn't propose huge subsidies for biofuels that take over 80% of a gallon of oil to make a gallon of new-fuel.)

An individual vote in Wyoming counts for more than anywhere else (in terms of number of votes cast per electoral vote granted).

North Dakota...I'm sorry, I can't do it. North Dakota is boring. There's an international peace garden that crosses the Canadian border; Lewis and Clark met Sacajawea there; fewer Dilbert books are sold there than in any other state, and Fargo was an interesting movie. But it's boring. One of the three LEAST interesting states in the union (up there with Oklahoma and West Virginia). North Dakota is North Dakota, and I'm sorry you guys don't have Mount Rushmore, but the sooner you get used to it, the sooner you can do something actually interesting.

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