Friday, June 01, 2007

My Network News Table Turning

Well, I moved into my awesome new place, and without a job, friends on the hall, classes, extracurriculars, or regular offline human interaction, not a lot of funny stuff has happened to me lately. So to get content for this blog, I've decided to turn the tables on big news agencies. While CNN and Fox News have programs that consist of attractive women READING BLOGS OUT LOUD on television (that counts as "news" apparently), I've decided to just report on some amusing things I've found while getting my news.

A German gentleman was recently almost killed when he impaled himself on a plunger. Having lost his bath plug, he inserted a plunger to keep the water in the tub. While standing up to lather the vessel for his brilliantly creative problem-solving mind, he slipped on some soap and the wooded plunger handle embedded itself deep into his "backside." His wife, upon hearing the screams, was unable to separate her husband's colon from the device, and called an ambulance. After 8 hours of surgery, he's now resting in his hospital bed and is expected to make a full recovery. When asked for comment, the plunger said, "Hey, I should be mad at you!" (OK, I made that last thing up myself.)


Courtesy of DeluxX, here is a picture of a dog dressed like Darth Vader.


In the "Real News" vs "Fake News" contest, let's compare the top 3 headlines of the NY Times and Fox News as I'm writing this.

Issues covered by the NY Times top headlines: Global Warming, Sports and the Iraq War
(2 important things that affect a lot of people, and an update with high audience interest, all of it timely)

Issues covered by Fox News: 3 teenage sex offenders are on the run, "Mom Pimped Son, 12" and something about the guy who shot President Reagan in 1982.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heheheh...I love the plunger one (I read the story yesterday and I'm still amused by it). Yay - It brightens up every weekday (barring Bank Holidays) :)
