Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Question

My favorite blog on the internet published an interview today with Tim Harford, the "Undercover Economist." The way Freakonomics interviews work is that readers submit questions, and the interviewee picks a few of his or her favorites to answer. Well, I got a question in this time (the 5th of 8 in the interview). I was excited to see it there, and appreciated the response. I have my own comments, but I thought I'd share it with my readers and see what you guys think first.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally answering my email and reading blogs again!

I think your question is an interesting one, and I agree with Hartford's conclusion even though I don't think altruism is even remotely relevant to the discussion.

I tend toward small impacts on large problems, because they add up to big impacts.
