Wednesday, August 16, 2006

This blog is brought to you by...

Glagnar's Human Rinds. It's a buncha muncha cruncha human.

So I made myself an account so I could comment on other peoples' accounts. I haven't really thought about what I'd put in my own blog, but it comes free with the account (which is itself free), so I figure I might as well have SOMETHING here. So far, I'm thinking ramblings about what I'd like to eat and Futurama references, but who knows--it might get deeper than that someday.

In the spirit of this blog, I'd like to begin by saying I'm looking forward to contributing to the ever-expanding useless droning currently clogging the internet. Here goes:

"In the game of chess, you can never let your adversary see your pieces." -Zapp Brannigan

And I'm hungry, but I don't feel like moving. Maybe delivery? I could go for some chicken.
"Yeah, uh, I like your food, just not enough to go down there and get it." -Jim Gaffigan

If you'd like a pseudonym for when I tell stories about you on this blog--and if you do something hilariously embarrassing I just might--let me know. We'll come up with something good for you.

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